Allendale Hampton Jasper Regional Library
"The place to learn
the place to create
the place to be."
New Digital Newspaper Collection AND a New Genealogy Resource from NewsBank now Available!
The AHJ Regional Library now offers a new digital newspaper collection from NewsBank. Titled, South Carolina Newspapers, this fully searchable collection provides online access to the complete electronic editions of 75 newspapers. It is updated daily. In addition to using workstations at the library, patrons can access the collection from home.
SC State Park Passes
Did you know that you can borrow a South Carolina State Park Passport from any AHJ Library?
Ancestry Library Edition
Ancestry Library Edition, the largest online family history resource available, provides unprecedented access to family history via documents that record the lineage of individuals from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and more.
All AHJ Regional Libraries now offers VOX Books to its Patrons
Books are the world's first all-in-one read along: readers can listen to the book while they read through it.
Digital Skills Classes
We are excited to welcome you to the Digital Skills Ready@50+ training brought to you by AARP Foundation.
Cute little children reading books in park
Get a Library Card
Imagination ignited: School children entranced by a captivating
Summer Reading Events
South Mountain State Park
State Park Passes
Online library or E-learning concept. Open laptop and book compilation. 3d illustration
Digital Resources
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beautiful little schoolgirls looking for books in library
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