Library Policies

Welcome to the AHJ Regional Library! Our library is dedicated to providing a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to explore, learn, and connect. As stewards of knowledge and community resources, we uphold policies that ensure equitable access and respectful conduct for all patrons. Our policies encompass a range of areas, including borrowing privileges, computer and internet use, meeting room reservations, and behavior expectations within the library premises.  For detailed information on our library policies, please refer to the information below or reach out to our friendly staff who are always available to assist you. 

The AHJ Regional Library understands that cell phones are a vital component of communication and information sharing. As a courtesy to our patrons and library staff, polite cell phone use is permitted within the library. While visiting the library, please set your cell phone to vibrate, speak quietly, and keep your conversations brief. Cell phone text messaging is permitted throughout the library. Please take extended conversations to the lobby.

Patrons violating this policy may be asked to leave the library or face greater penalties as determined by the Director.

If you wish to report inappropriate cell phone use, contact a library staff member at the service desk.

Adopted by the AHJ Regional Board of Trustees – April 25, 2023

Library Cards

Anyone who lives, works, goes to school, or owns property in Allendale, Hampton, or Jasper counties may sign up for a free library card at any AHJ Regional Library location. Picture identification is required, along with proof of address if not presenting a SC Driver’s license/ID with current address. Proof of address may include a rental agreement, property tax receipt, utility bill, school ID, or voter registration. Children five years old and up may have a card of their own with a parent or guardian present to provide proper identification and signature. Teenagers that are 16-17 may register as adults with a Driver’s License or ID card.

Library cards are valid for two years, after which, according to SCLENDS policy, privileges expire. Patrons must present a photo ID to renew their account. Patrons wishing to renew an account with a new address must present proof of address. The borrower is responsible for informing the library of any name, address change, or lost/stolen cards. There will be a replacement charge of $2.00 for lost cards.

Library cards provide a borrowing number to protect the privacy of patrons. Patrons must present their card each time they check out or renew library materials at the library or use the computers. Patrons may present an ID instead of a library card for courtesy lookup twice a year, after which they will need to replace the library card. Library cards are not transferable. By accepting the card, the patron agrees to be responsible for all materials borrowed on that card and for behavior according to the AHJ Code of Conduct while in the library.

Internet Use Only

Out-of-county residents that do not live, work, go to school, or own property in Allendale, Hampton, or Jasper counties; may present their out-of-area ID to access computers for the day at the cost of $1.00 per day.
Out-of-County Residents
Out-of-county residents that do not work, own property, or go to school in Allendale, Hampton, or Jasper counties may obtain a library card to have year-long access to all library materials and resources by paying an annual fee of $10.00.


The usual length of loans for books, audiobooks, and CDs is 21 days. Magazines and DVDs have a loan period of 7 days. Electronic materials including e-books and audiobooks loan for 14 days. No overdue fines are charged for electronic materials. Fines for other materials are $.20 per day. Fines are capped at $3.00. Fines are not charged on days when AHJ Regional Library branches are closed. There is a maximum of twenty items allowed at checkout per card. Within this 20-item limit, no more than five items may be in DVD format.
Renewals Library materials may be renewed twice, provided there are no holds on the items. Materials renew once automatically, provided they are not on hold and are not new materials. ILL materials may be renewed once at the discretion of the owning library. Materials may be renewed in person, online, or by telephone when providing a library card number.

Hold Requests

Hold requests may be placed on any circulating materials within AHJ Regional Library except for the bookmobile. Requests may also be placed on any circulating item from SCLENDS member libraries that do not fall under the “age protection” exception. All SCLENDS member libraries keep their new materials in a six-month “age protection,” allowing these items to circulate in their home library system.

Per SCLENDS policy, there is a limit of ten active hold requests per card. All hold request items are held for 7 days. Patrons with a valid email address are automatically notified by email when their requested items arrive. Patrons may also choose to be notified by phone or text message. Hold notices are sent out as a courtesy only. Patrons are responsible for checking their accounts online or by speaking with library staff to determine the status of a hold request.

Overdue Materials

Overdue notices are sent as reminders only. Patrons are responsible for the return of all library materials borrowed. Patrons with a valid email address in their account will automatically be notified by email when their items are overdue.

Lost and Damaged Materials

The list price in the material record is charged for all lost materials or those materials that have enough damage that they cannot be used. Patrons with long overdue materials that have been placed in LOST status or those with lost or damaged items needing to be replaced will be denied borrowing privileges until such time as the overdue materials are returned or the replacement costs of the materials have been paid.

Claims Returned

Per SCLENDS policies, patrons are allowed a maximum of 4 Claims Returned and 4 Claims Never Had on their account. Once these limits have been reached, the library account will be barred from future use. A Claims Returned is defined as out on an account and not physically in the library, with a patron stating that the item was returned. A Claims Never Had is defined as an item being listed as out on an account and not physically in the library, with a patron stating they never checked out the item.

Returning Items

All library branches have outside material return bins. Items may be returned in material return bins during library hours and after-hours, weekends, and holidays. Patrons are asked not to place materials on the ground outside the return bins.


Circulation policies differ for the bookmobile than for library branches. Materials circulate for 14 days with no fines for overdue items, unless materials are not returned, at which time a replacement fee is charged. Holds cannot be placed for items on the bookmobile.

Beaufort County Agreement:

The Beaufort County Library and the AHJ Regional Library have resumed a previous mutual agreement that the Beaufort County Library will register Jasper County patrons with AHJ library cards on the Bookmobile visits to the Sun City Hilton Head area in Bluffton, SC.

This agreement provides an additional service for Sun City residents that reside in Jasper County to visit the Beaufort County Bookmobile in Sun City instead of having to travel to the Hardeeville Library to get a AHJ library card. They are then able to use the Beaufort County Bookmobile and Bluffton Branch Library via SCLENDS.

Adopted by the AHJ Regional Board of Trustees – April 25, 2023

The regional Board of Trustees has adopted the following Code of conduct that applies to patrons visiting all branches within the system. Library patrons are expected to be engaged in activities associated with the appropriate use of public libraries while in any of the facilities, including reading, studying, using library materials and computers, and participating in library programs. In order to ensure public safety and security and to provide a suitable environment for appropriate library use, the AHJ Regional Library System will require compliance with all state and local laws. Unlawful behavior will be reported to the police immediately and arrest may result. Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in the violator being banned from all system libraries for varied timespans due to the severity of the violation:

One week – Refusing to following library policies and/or guidelines.

Two weeks – Refusing to leave the library if instructed to do so for some form of negative behavior. The police will be summoned.

One month – Engaging in any physical or assaultive behavior.  The police will be summoned.

Permanently – Stalking, following, or annoying patrons or staff. The police will be summoned. 

Patrons are prohibited from:

  1. Engaging in any criminal or unlawful behavior on library premises, or using any library property such as facilities, technology, or printed or digital materials to engage in such behavior, including but not limited to the following actions: Engaging in nudity, sexual acts, or behavior, using profane language, or entering the library without proper attire. Proper attire is wearing apparel in conformance with the standards of the community for public places and includes wearing shirt and shoes and having clothing properly fastened.

Indecent exposure is prohibited but this shall not prohibit the breastfeeding of a child in public which is permitted the South Carolina Lactation Support Act, S.C. Code Ann. § 41-1-130.

  1. Bringing a weapon into any library unless explicitly authorized by law.


  1. Leaving a child under 12 years of age unattended by a responsible adult.


  1. Changing clothes or washing clothes, bathing, or shaving in public restrooms, spending a prolonged length of time in, or misusing public restrooms, damaging the function of restroom fixtures, or damaging the fixtures themselves.


  1. Bringing in a library any large or cumbersome item(s) such as bicycles, bedrolls, luggage, or skateboards.


  1. Leaving personal items unattended and/or storing personal items in the library.


  1. Entering library facilities with offensive bodily hygiene that is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to others (from smoking marijuana, etc).


  1. Entering non-public areas of the library or using library telephones without permission.


  1. Consuming or possessing alcohol or illegal drugs or to be intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on library premises.


  1. Damaging, defacing, or destroying the inside or outside of any library structure, or damaging, defacing, or destroying, stealing, or intentionally tampering with any library property, patron’s property, or library staff’s property.


  1. Stalking, following, or prolonged staring that could be expected to annoy, disturb, or intimidate patrons or staff.


  1. Engaging in any physically intimidating or assaultive behavior or making any threats of violence or unlawful activities. The Library System has a policy of zero tolerance for threats and acts of violence. Any person engaging in such behaviors will be required to leave the library immediately and the police will be called.


  1. Bringing animals in library buildings, except for licensed service animals.


  1. Refusing to leave the library after being asked to do so by staff.


  1. Any other actions or behaviors that are disruptive, disturbing, or potentially harmful to library patrons or staff or damaging to facilities, equipment, or property.


Adopted by the AHJ Regional Board of Trustees – April 9, 2024        


This policy explains the scope and objectives of the collection, collection maintenance, Intellectual Freedom, and the Request for Reconsideration Process.

The Collection Development Policy serves several purposes:

1-Guides the AHJ Regional Library System managers in the selection, management, and preservation of library materials.

2-Provides guidelines for acquisition and withdrawal of library materials.

3-Informs the public of the principles that govern collection development throughout the system.


The library’s materials collection is developed and managed to meet the cultural, informational, educational, and recreational needs of the library’s service areas. The AHJ Regional Library System strives to provide and maintain within its financial ability a general collection of materials in a wide variety of formats. The intent is also to build and maintain a patron-oriented body of works that support the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the children, teens, and adults within all three counties.

Due to limitations of space and budget, special requests for materials that are beyond the scope of the collection may be obtained through interlibrary loans.


The selection of library materials is the responsibility of the Branch Managers under the supervision of the Regional Director. All staff members and patrons are welcome to recommend materials for consideration. The library collection shall be a diverse source of information, representing as many viewpoints as possible.


Selection is based on the goals and mission of the AHJ Regional Library. The library provides collections containing a wide variety of formats including print, audiovisual, and digital.

The library provides free access to books, magazines, the Internet, electronic databases, DVDs and audio books in CD format, music CDs, downloadable eBooks, and audiobooks. As formats continue to evolve the primary formats will change. Selection of materials is based on a variety of factors, including some or all of the following considerations:    

  • Reviews from professional sources for public libraries (Booklist, Library Journal, School Library Journal, New York Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly, and American Libraries to name a few)
  • Popularity, timeliness and general interest or demand in the community
  • Patron interest and demand
  • Local emphasis
  • Importance of subject matter to the collection
  • Authoritativeness
  • Social significance
  • Price
  • Format


The library maintains a vital and current collection of physical and digital materials which meets the needs of the community in keeping with the library’s mission, vision, and values. This has been achieved through continuous review by the branch managers and the regional director. The process for removing items from the library collections is an integral part of collection maintenance. Staff assess the need to replace materials that are damaged, destroyed, or lost. Decisions are based on need, demand, and budget. The CREW Manual should be used for detailed weeding guidelines.

Decisions for removal of items from the collection are based on, but limited to:

  • Frequency of circulation
  • Ages, worn, or damaged condition
  • Format no longer collected
  • Obsolete, outdated content
  • Space limitations
  • Holdings of other libraries within the system and state.

Withdrawn books can be donated to the Friends of the Library for book sales. Books not sold can be disposed of at the regional director’s discretion. There may be local county agencies or other non-profit organizations that accept donations (for example, a local prison, nursing homes, daycares).


AHJ Regional Library accepts donations of books, and archival materials with the understanding that, upon receipt, they become the property of AHJ and will be evaluated against the same criteria as purchased materials. Donations typically are not added to the general collection unless under exceptional circumstances. The library does not provide an estimate of value or a record of donated items to the donor. The library gratefully accepts monetary gifts to purchase materials.


AHJ Regional Library fully endorses the will uphold Intellectual Freedom as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement and the Freedom to View Statement adopted by the American Library Association. Intellectual Freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. The library affirms that that the use of library materials is an individual and private matter. All patrons are free to select or reject materials for themselves, but they may not restrict the freedom of others to read or inquire.

The library’s varied collection is available to all; however, it is not expected that all of the collection will appeal to everyone. Individual or group views about a particular item, subject, or type of material in the collection may not prevent its use by others. No item shall be removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. The library upholds the right of an individual to secure these resources, even though the content may be controversial or unacceptable to some.

Parents and guardians, not AHJ Regional Library or library staff members, are responsible for guiding the reading, listening, and viewing choices of their children. The responsibility does not extend to the minor children of other parents or guardians.

The Regional Board of Trustees approved an Intellectual Freedom Policy for the AHJ Regional Library System on October 10, 2023.


The AHJ Regional Library recognizes the right of an individual, residing in Allendale, Hampton, or Jasper County, to question materials in the library collection and has developed a process to address concerns.

The process includes completing a written Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form for the specific item and submitting it to the Branch Manager. Patrons may only have one active Request for Reconsideration open at a time. In order for a patron to submit a Request for Reconsideration form, they must be a county resident or library card holder. Items being reviewed for reconsideration will be considered in their entirety, not upon selected sections or passages.

Patrons who wish to request the withdrawal or reclassification of materials currently owned by the library are encouraged to discuss their concerns with a manager. If the patron is not satisfied with the response of the Manager to their request, the Manager will give the customer a packet that includes:    

  • The library system’s Collection Development Policy
  • The library system’s Bill of Rights
  • The Freedom to Read statement of the American Library Association
  • Contact information for the Regional Director
  • The Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form (A separate form must be filled out for each item).

If, after reviewing the packet, the patron wants to proceed with their request, a signed “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” should be submitted to the Regional Director. This will begin the formal reconsideration process. The Request for Reconsideration will be referred to a committee consisting of the Branch Manager and a Trustee representing the library where the form was submitted and the Regional Director. The committee will reconsider the item using the general criteria of the Collection Development Policy and reviews from recognized sources and then make a written decision. The Director will inform the Regional Board of Trustees of the committee’s decision.

Anonymous complaints in writing or by other means will not be honored. No action will be taken to remove or restrict access to any materials until a final decision has been made by the regional director.

The Regional Board of Trustees approved the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Policy for the AHJ Regional Library System on July 13, 2023. The policy was amended on July 9, 2024.

This policy may be revised. Revisions can be recommended by the branch managers and/or the regional director and approved by the Board of Trustees.

The Regional Board of Trustees approved the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Policy for the AHJ Regional Library System on July 13, 2023.

This policy was amended on July 9, 2024.



The AHJ Regional Library Board of Trustees and Library Administration believe that intellectual freedom (open and affordable access to ideas and information) is basic to democracy. Documents describing intellectual freedom include:

The American Library Association Code of Ethics;

The American Library Association Library Bill of Rights;

The Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association.

These statements are hereby adopted as official policy of the AHJ Regional Library Board of Trustees.  While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves for their own minor children, the freedom of others to read or inquire will not be restricted. Parents and guardians, not the Library or staff, have the responsibility to guide and direct the reading, listening, and viewing choices of their own minor children.

Adopted by the AHJ Regional Board of Trustees – October 10, 2023


To fulfill its mission of providing public access to information of all types in a wide range of formats the AHJ Regional Library System is entrusted to provide library patrons with equitable access to the Internet through the library’s public computers and wireless network. The Internet is a global network comprised of information, multimedia resources, and social networks representing a variety of viewpoints and perspectives.


The Library provides access to the Internet, both wired and wireless (Wi-Fi), to enable library patrons and staff to access resources provided by the library and to connect to information beyond what is included in the library’s collection. The Internet provides a wealth of resources, but not all information on the internet is accurate, complete, legal, trustworthy, or current. The library cannot monitor or accept responsibility for materials provided as digital resources. Also, the library cannot guarantee access to the Internet and the library is not a commercial Internet service provider.


In compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and South Carolina Law, the library uses filtering software to block pornographic websites on all public computers. Library patrons may not bypass or disable the library’s filtering software. No Internet filtering is 100% effective, meaning that some sites that should be blocked may not be, while other sites that should not be blocked could be blocked. Patrons should alert library staff immediately for determination.


Parents/Guardians of minor children must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet on library devices. Children ages ten and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times while visiting the library and meeting rooms. Children ages 10-15 must have a parent/guardian in the building at all times and the parent/guardian must approve for them to access the Internet.  

User Agreement

Library patrons requesting to use a public computer to access the Internet must agree to the guidelines for use. Violations of these rules will result in loss of access to the Internet and/or library privileges. Unlawful activities may result in prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.

Print/Scan/Copy/Free Wi-Fi

Printing is available at all locations – $.25/page for black and white and $.50/page for color. Scanning is available at all locations and is free.

Photocopying is available at all locations –  $.25/page for black and white and $.50/page for color.

Free Wi-Fi is available in all locations as well as in the parking lots of each building.


Patrons may not:

  • Engage in activity that is disruptive to other library patrons.
  • Tamper with computer equipment or software: attempting to gain access to the library’s network or computer systems, downloading or using malicious soft
  • Violate copyright law or software licensing agreements.

Patron Privacy

The library will not intentionally sell or otherwise distribute or disclose a patron’s e-mail address, postal address, phone number, websites visited, computer time used, borrower records, or other personal information unless required by a court order.

Adopted by the AHJ Regional Library Board of Trustees – July 13, 2023


The AHJ Regional Library has a variety of meeting rooms available for use during normal library operating hours as well as evening hours with approval from the regional director. The meeting rooms are available at no charge for use by non-profit, civic, educational, and cultural groups or organizations and official government entities (state, county, municipal).

All meetings and activities conducted inside the community and meeting rooms must be open to general public audiences.


Reservation requests are full-filled on a first-come, first-served basis. First priority is always given to the AHJ Regional Library for programs, meetings, and staff training. Friends of the Library groups within the AHJ library system receive second priority.


Groups and individuals using Library meeting rooms agree to the Policy and the guidelines by their signature on the application:

  1. Requests for the use of a meeting room must be submitted in advance for approval and confirmation, using the Meeting Room application.
  2. The person requesting the use of a meeting room will be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the group and for any loss or damage to library property. Any damages to library property will be billed to the person who originally signed the application to use the room.
  3. No promotion or sale of non-library-related items for services is allowed in any library meeting room. Applicants may not engage in profit-making activities including, but not limited to, selling, or exchanging goods/services; promoting sales or soliciting for future sales by samples, pictures, descriptions or collecting personal contact information.
  4. Groups or individuals are not permitted to conduct fund-raising activities or events except those sponsored by the library or Friends of the Library.
  5. Groups or organizations will not be permitted to post signs or distribute materials on library property without approval of the location by the branch manager. Unauthorized materials will be removed.
  6. Meeting rooms may be requested for use on a monthly or less basis up to three (3) months in advance of the meeting date.
  7. Attendance is limited by meeting room seating capacity.
  8. Organizations must use the library meeting rooms as they are furnished. Organizations are responsible for their own room setup. Meeting rooms must be restored to its original state upon completion of use.
  9. Refreshments may be served; however, applicants are responsible for removing their leftover food and/or beverage items, etc. from the meeting room and placed in the trash containers provided. Counters and floor areas should be free of food residue, etc.
  10. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted on library property.
  11. The library is very limited in the equipment and/or supplies it can provide for public use. Groups should arrange to bring their own equipment and/or supplies as needed. The library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, or any other materials owned by the group and used in the Library.
  12. Due to staffing, meeting rooms are available only during normal library hours and must be vacated at least fifteen (15) minutes before closing. Special arrangements can be made for hours outside of regular library hours and must be approved by the regional office.
  13. Attempting to raise funds for any purpose not related to the Library during a meeting is not permitted. Use of a meeting room to plan a fund-raising campaign or event is permissible.
  14. Accidents must be reported to the staff member in charge who will report the incident according to library procedures. There is an Incident form that will need to be completed with as much detail as possible.
  15. The library reserves the right to cancel reservations for reasons dealing with unexpected library needs or closures that include emergencies such as a fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, or other natural disaster.


Violations of this policy or the Library’s Code of Conduct may result in a denial of meeting space use for future requests.

 Adopted by the AHJ Regional Board of Trustees – October 10, 2023

Click here to request a meeting room.

Mobile Library Service takes library materials and programs to residents of Allendale, Hampton, and Jasper counties who cannot travel to any of the five branch libraries. The mobile library operates as an integral part of the library system. All library services and procedures are consistent with practices in the five branch libraries.


The bookmobile collection should include high-interest materials in a variety of genres and formats. Lease plans provide best sellers in a timely manner. Users of the mobile library services have access to the total collection of the AHJ Regional Library and interlibrary loans through regular library procedures.


Circulation rules and procedures are the same for all patrons except overdue fines and holds. Overdue fines are not charged for items checked out on the bookmobile. Holds cannot be placed for bookmobile items.


Target audiences include preschool programs, after-school programs, senior citizens’ centers, and individuals served at community stops in rural areas of all three counties. When funding is available, similar programs to those offered in the branches can be offered at bookmobile stops. 

Weather and Repair Issues

The bookmobile will not operate in any county when the public schools in that county are closed for inclement weather.

When mechanical issues or other repairs are needed for the bookmobile, every effort will be made to notify the contacts at each location that will be impacted during the downtime for the bookmobile.

The bookmobile does not operate on AHJ Regional Library paid holidays when the system is closed.


A minimum of two staff members is preferred on the bookmobile during service hours. Employees hired for the mobile library service must have a clean driving record while employed as mobile library staff. Training is provided in the operation of the bookmobile and in techniques for handling emergencies.

Only employees of the library system can ride in or drive the bookmobile.

Beaufort County Agreement

The Beaufort County Library and the AHJ Regional Library have resumed a previous mutual agreement that the Beaufort County Library will register Jasper County patrons with AHJ library cards on the Bookmobile visits to the Sun City Hilton Head area in Bluffton, SC.

This agreement provides an additional service for Sun City residents  that reside in Jasper County to visit the Beaufort County Bookmobile in Sun City instead of having to travel to the Hardeeville Library to get a AHJ library card. They are then able to use the  Beaufort County Bookmobile and Bluffton Branch Library via SCLENDS.

Adopted by the AHJ Regional Library Board of Trustees – October 10, 2023

In support of its mission “the place to learn, the place to grow, the place to be,” the AHJ Regional Library fully endorses the principles documented in the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association. Materials available in the Library present a diversity of viewpoints, enabling citizens to make the informed choices necessary in a democracy. AHJ Regional Library staff selects a wide variety of library materials that satisfy the diverse interests of our community. The Library upholds the right of the individual to secure these resources, even though the content may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to some. The Library’s varied collection is available to all; however, it is not expected that all of the collection will appeal to everyone. The choice of library materials by a library user is an individual matter. While a person may reject materials for oneself, he or she may not restrict access to those materials by other library users.

Patrons who wish to request the withdrawal or reclassification of materials currently owned by the Library are encouraged to discuss their concerns with a Manager. If the patron is not satisfied with the response of the Manager to their request, the Manager will give the customer a packet that includes:                                                                                                                                                      

  • The Collection Development Policy
  • The Library Bill of Rights
  • The “Freedom to Read” statement of the American Library Association
  • Contact information for the Regional Director
  • “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” Form (NOTE: In order for a patron to submit a Request for Reconsideration form, they must be a county resident or library card holder. Patrons may only have one active Request for Reconsideration open at a time. A separate form must be filled out for each item).

If, after reviewing the packet, the patron wants to proceed with their request, a signed “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” should be submitted to the Regional Director. This will begin the formal reconsideration process. The Request for Reconsideration will be referred to a committee consisting of the Branch Manager and a Trustee representing the library where the form was submitted and the Regional Director. The committee will reconsider the item using the general criteria of the Collection Development Policy and reviews from recognized sources and then make a written decision.  The Director will inform the Regional Board of Trustees of the committee’s decision.

Anonymous complaints in writing or by other means will not be honored. Items being reviewed for reconsideration will be considered in their entirety, not upon selected sections or passages.

No action will be taken to remove or restrict access to any materials until a final decision has been made by the Regional Director.

Adopted by the AHJ Regional Board of Trustees – July 13, 2023.

This policy was amended on July 9, 2024.

The AHJ Regional Library maintains vehicles to facilitate movement of materials, equipment, and staff among the five branch libraries and the regional office.

Priority for use of a vehicle:

  • Repair/maintenance of a vehicle
  • Attendance at regional and statewide meetings, workshops, conferences.
  • Regional Director travel between branches, county meetings, etc.
  • Other activities as approved in writing by the Regional Director.

A monthly calendar is maintained in the regional office for scheduling use of a vehicle. Individuals should give time and location as well as their name when they sign the calendar for use of a vehicle. All trash and personal items should be removed from the vehicle each time it is returned. The gas tank should be at least half full when the car is returned. Use of a vehicle for any personal business is prohibited.

Responsibility for keeping the log of use of the vehicle and scheduling regular maintenance of the vehicle will be the responsibility of a regional staff member designated by the Regional Director.

Regional Library staff who are listed on the automobile insurance policy may operate the vehicle on a regular basis. The Regional Director can approve other staff to drive any vehicle as the occasion warrants. All employees driving a vehicle must maintain a clean driving record and current automobile insurance.

This policy excludes the Bookmobile.