AHJ Regional Library System Circulation Policy

Library Cards

Anyone who lives, works, goes to school, or owns property in Allendale, Hampton, or Jasper counties may sign up for a free library card at any AHJ Regional Library location. Picture identification is required, along with proof of address if not presenting a SC Driver’s license/ID with current address. Proof of address may include a rental agreement, property tax receipt, utility bill, school ID, or voter registration. Children five years old and up may have a card of their own with a parent or guardian present to provide proper identification and signature. Teenagers that are 16-17 may register as adults with a Driver’s License or ID card.

Library cards are valid for two years, after which, according to SCLENDS policy, privileges expire. Patrons must present a photo ID to renew their account. Patrons wishing to renew an account with a new address must present proof of address. The borrower is responsible for informing the library of any name, address change, or lost/stolen cards. There will be a replacement charge of $2.00 for lost cards.

Library cards provide a borrowing number to protect the privacy of patrons. Patrons must present their card each time they check out or renew library materials at the library or use the computers. Patrons may present an ID instead of a library card for courtesy lookup twice a year, after which they will need to replace the library card. Library cards are not transferable. By accepting the card, the patron agrees to be responsible for all materials borrowed on that card and for behavior according to the AHJ Code of Conduct while in the library.

Internet Use Only

Out-of-county residents that do not live, work, go to school, or own property in Allendale, Hampton, or Jasper counties; may present their out-of-area ID to access computers for the day at the cost of $1.00 per day.

Out-of-County Residents

Out-of-county residents that do not work, own property, or go to school in Allendale, Hampton, or Jasper counties may obtain a library card to have year-long access to all library materials and resources by paying an annual fee of $10.00.


The usual length of loans for books, audiobooks, and CDs is 21 days. Magazines and DVDs have a loan period of 7 days. Electronic materials including e-books and audiobooks loan for 14 days. No overdue fines are charged for electronic materials. Fines for other materials are $.20 per day. Fines are capped at $3.00. Fines are not charged on days when AHJ Regional Library branches are closed. There is a maximum of twenty items allowed at checkout per card. Within this 20-item limit, no more than five items may be in DVD format.
Renewals Library materials may be renewed twice, provided there are no holds on the items. Materials renew once automatically, provided they are not on hold and are not new materials. ILL materials may be renewed once at the discretion of the owning library. Materials may be renewed in person, online, or by telephone when providing a library card number.

Hold Requests

Hold requests may be placed on any circulating materials within AHJ Regional Library except for the bookmobile. Requests may also be placed on any circulating item from SCLENDS member libraries that do not fall under the “age protection” exception. All SCLENDS member libraries keep their new materials in a six-month “age protection,” allowing these items to circulate in their home library system.

Per SCLENDS policy, there is a limit of ten active hold requests per card. All hold request items are held for 7 days. Patrons with a valid email address are automatically notified by email when their requested items arrive. Patrons may also choose to be notified by phone or text message. Hold notices are sent out as a courtesy only. Patrons are responsible for checking their accounts online or by speaking with library staff to determine the status of a hold request.

Overdue Materials

Overdue notices are sent as reminders only. Patrons are responsible for the return of all library materials borrowed. Patrons with a valid email address in their account will automatically be notified by email when their items are overdue.

Lost and Damaged Materials

The list price in the material record is charged for all lost materials or those materials that have enough damage that they cannot be used. Patrons with long overdue materials that have been placed in LOST status or those with lost or damaged items needing to be replaced will be denied borrowing privileges until such time as the overdue materials are returned or the replacement costs of the materials have been paid.

Claims Returned

Per SCLENDS policies, patrons are allowed a maximum of 4 Claims Returned and 4 Claims Never Had on their account. Once these limits have been reached, the library account will be barred from future use. A Claims Returned is defined as out on an account and not physically in the library, with a patron stating that the item was returned. A Claims Never Had is defined as an item being listed as out on an account and not physically in the library, with a patron stating they never checked out the item.

Returning Items

All library branches have outside material return bins. Items may be returned in material return bins during library hours and after-hours, weekends, and holidays. Patrons are asked not to place materials on the ground outside the return bins.


Circulation policies differ for the bookmobile than for library branches. Materials circulate for 14 days with no fines for overdue items, unless materials are not returned, at which time a replacement fee is charged. Holds cannot be placed for items on the bookmobile.

Beaufort County Agreement:

The Beaufort County Library and the AHJ Regional Library have resumed a previous mutual agreement that the Beaufort County Library will register Jasper County patrons with AHJ library cards on the Bookmobile visits to the Sun City Hilton Head area in Bluffton, SC.

This agreement provides an additional service for Sun City residents that reside in Jasper County to visit the Beaufort County Bookmobile in Sun City instead of having to travel to the Hardeeville Library to get a AHJ library card. They are then able to use the Beaufort County Bookmobile and Bluffton Branch Library via SCLENDS.

Adopted by the AHJ Regional Board of Trustees – April 25, 2023