Summer Reading Program Events

Summer Reading is in full swing across the AHJ Regional Library System. Library patrons of all ages have enjoyed interactive storytimes, zany performances, and educational demonstrations from local experts.

Patrons even had the opportunity to flex their creative muscles at library programs and create their very own pieces of art ranging from self-portraits to bean mosaics.

Teen Tie-Dye Program Was a Hit at the Allendale County Library!

On July 10the Teen Tie-Dye program at the Allendale County Library was fun for teens! They got to explore with color and tie-dye a bandana with permanent marker and rubbing alcohol.

Each bandana came out uniquely beautiful! Check our events calendar to see when more interesting programs are coming to your local library.

South Carolina Aquarium Visits the Hampton County Library

On July 11, the South Carolina Aquarium presented a very informational

and exciting program for our patrons. It was fun learning about our sea coast animals!!

Porkchop Productions and Fun with 4-H Series

Porkchop Productions visited the Estill Public Library on July 1 presenting “The Totally Twisted Tale of the Three Little Pigs”.

The local 4-H group is presenting a five-week series on Soil, Plants, Pollinators, and Water. The June 13 program was on Plants. The kids had a great time planting seeds, etc.  

Lively Lessons from Bright Star Touring Theatre

Bright Star Touring Theatre visited the Hardeeville Community Library on June 12th. They presented storybook tales from two favorites: Pinocchio & Robin Hood, featuring lessons on responsibility and parental love.